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iPhone X Screen protector

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Apple resumes sales of Belkin’s $40 iPhone X screen protector after recall
By Abhishek

Apple has once again started selling Belkin’s $40 “InvisiGlass Ultra” iPhone X tempered glass screen protector in its stores and online after customer complaints prompted a recall in late December. The thin sheet of glass was found to crack far too easily during regular daily use of the iPhone, which led to an avalanche of angry customers. Paying 40 bucks for a screen protector is a questionable choice even in cases where it lasts; plenty of companies on Amazon are selling these things for under $10 — and often give you several of   them in the package
As MacRumors notes, there’s now a revised Belkin model that’s slightly thicker (0.29mm as opposed to 0.21mm). Will that make the difference? Who knows. Belkin’s version of the InvisiGlass Ultra for the iPhone 7/8 has also been roundly panned in Apple Store reviews and on its own website, where the review average is 1.2 stars. That version remains 0.21mm, and complaints are primarily focused around premature chipping and breakage.
But people don’t know that useful feedback when they’re buying one at the Apple Store alongside a pristine, brand new iPhone. Another part of why people choose the Belkin is because Apple has dedicated equipment to ensure a perfect installation. If you’ve ever seen one of those odd-looking screen protector applicator machines at an Apple Store, that’s the thing they use to put on Belkin’s protectors.

Anyway, if you think that sort of convenience is worth $40, more power to you. But, assuming you’re even the screen protector type, you’re just way better off saving around $30 and installing it yourself with a bit of care.

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